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Cash game

Cash games, also sometimes referred to as ring games or live action games, are poker games played with "real" ♣️ chips and money at stake, often with no predetermined end time, with players able to enter and leave as they ♣️ see fit. In contrast, a poker tournament is played with tournament chips worth nothing outside the tournament, with a definite ♣️ end condition (usually, only one player left), and a specific roster of competitors.

Rules [ edit ]

Players may freely buy into ♣️ or cash out of a cash game between hands.[1] However, it is normally prohibited for a player to remove a ♣️ portion of his or her chips from the table. This is known as "going south".[2] For example, if a player ♣️ buys in forR$100, then winsR$100 (for a total stack ofR$200), the player may not remove the originalR$100 buy-in while remaining ♣️ seated. He would have to forfeit his seat, possibly wait to rejoin the game, and buy in again forR$100; however, ♣️ many cardrooms prohibit the practice of buying in again unless a certain time period has elapsed before the player rejoins. ♣️ Similarly, cash games are played for table stakes. If a player attempts to put additional money onto the table (from ♣️ his/her wallet) in the middle of a hand, he may not do so until the conclusion of said hand.

In "no ♣️ limit" poker cash games, some cardrooms have a maximum buy-in for cash games. In limit poker games, there is seldom ♣️ a maximum buy-in because betting limits already limit the amount a player can wager on each hand.

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