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It’s important to understand the two main bets types in Super Spin Roulette. Not least because one type will get 💻 the benefit of the multipliers and the other type will not.

The two bet types are:

Outside Bets – These are bets 💻 placed on the outside of the betting grid. These tend to be the Even Money bets, like Red/Black, Odd/Even, High/Low 💻 and Column Bets and Dozen bets, which pay 2:1. Inside Bets – these are individual numbers or combinations of numbers 💻 and have normal payouts of between 35:1 to 5:1. It is these bets that multipliers will be paid on, and 💻 also the bets that have their normal payouts reduced (which pays for the multipliers).

The outside bets play as they do 💻 on a regular European Roulette table, so there is no harm in playing those bets on the Super Spin table, 💻 you’ll get the same return.

The implications of playing the Inside bets and the impact the multipliers have on the payouts 💻 does need some explanation.

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